Trasfigurazioni Umane

Trasfigurazioni Umane

L’arte è trasfigurazione della realtà e, come tale, questa doppia personale di Federico Masini e Aldo Dolcetti, si compone di lavori sia fotografici sia su carta volgendo il suo sguardo alla riscoperta della figura umana nel suo contesto più naturale e reale. Le...
Karvansaray – Art Nomads

Karvansaray – Art Nomads

a cura di Valeria Ceregini Karvansarai and forms of this word are recognised in many cultures across the ancient trading routes of the world. A ‘kārvān’ or caravan is a group of traders or travellers, engaged in long-distance travel, a ‘karvansaray’ is a...
How it’s Made: meitheal

How it’s Made: meitheal

HOW IT’S MADE: meitheal is a series of exhibitions and events focused on production aspects that have an impact on the environment and biodiversity. HOW IT’S MADE is inviting local and national artists, and scientists to collaborate and come together to activate...


 …and thence we came forth to see again the stars. Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy – Inferno XXXIV, 139 Gillian Lawler’s solo exhibition Edgelands revisits her interest in liminal space, a threshold through which an imagined reality as...