by | 1 Nov, 2020

The Aftermath – PhyloCode

PhyloCode is a live 15 minute Instagram takeover performance which splices together fragments of video and audio seized from news and media broadcasting to create a visceral moving image collage. This is the second in a series of performances created solely for Pallas Projects/Studios. 

Part II is a visual response to the audio focused performance presented on the evening of Guy Fawkes. This restatement will bring the riotous, stratified visuals to the fore. The performance will assail the audience – who are placed within the spectacle of a news culture that reflects and amplifies the chaos of contemporary politics and events. The backdrop to this visual cacophony is a year of uncertainty and constant BREAKING NEWS.

The Great Reset is a proposal by the world economic forum (WEF) to rebuild the economy sustainably following the Covid-19 pandemic. It was unveiled in May 2020 by the United Kingdom’s Prince Charles and WEF director Klaus Schwab.

The Covid-19 crisis, and the political, economic and social disruptions it has caused, are fundamentally changing the traditional context for decision-making. The inconsistencies, inadequacies and contradictions of multiple systems – from health and financial to energy and education – are more exposed than ever amidst a global context of concern for lives, livelihoods and the planet. Leaders find themselves at an historic crossroads, managing short-term pressures against medium and long-term uncertainties. This seeps into the lives of the general populace, creating an ecosystem where needs and constraints transition continuously forcing us to reflect and reset in response.

S A B O T A G E live performance was streamed on Thursday, 10th of December on the PP/S Instagram profile at 6 pm (UTC +0): https://www.instagram.com/pallas.projects.studios/

S A B O T A G E is a live-streamed 15-minute performance that splices fragments of video and audio taken from international news channels with artist-generated content, forming a constantly changing moving-image collage.

This, the 8th iteration of his S A B O T A G E project, will be a new and exclusive work produced solely for Pallas Projects/Studios, constructed purposefully to reflect the location it is staged. The work developed through the voices of people around Dublin and Ireland, collected by JournALL throughout 2020, and the impact COVID-19 has had on them. The artist will utilise this and incorporate their concerns along with the local and national news broadcasts during this time.

S A B O T A G E is performed, blending visuals and sound, and broadcasted as a live-stream, enabling anyone to view the work in real-time on their computer or phone. 

The performance engages arts audiences placed within the spectacle of a news culture that reflects and amplifies the chaos of contemporary politics and events. The audio element mixes sound from the various newsreaders and reports to create a dissonant soundtrack that reflects the chaotic nature of the video. During the performance, a live musical soundtrack is performed in response to the live news coverage.

S A B O T A G E highlights how we like all consumers of news, via TV and internet platforms, can be subconsciously manipulated. His research is mostly focused on investigating the influences of the media and its agenda, which may be controlled by the government and the state.

S A B O T A G E live performance was streamed on Thursday, 5th of November on the PP/S Youtube Channel at 6 pm (UTC +0): https://youtu.be/rTL9KzenaA0

Trailer #3
Trailer #2
Trailer #1

Jas Singh graduated from Central St Martins in 2012 with a BA Fine Art specialising in 4D. His work addresses sociopolitical current affairs. His primary medium is dissonant audio interplaying with architecture, installations, sculpture, video as well as interactive art – collaborating with the audience. Singh’s work mainly dictates these combinations.

He has participated in several organisations and is continuing to work with: Black Hole Club, Leicester digital arts, Graff.io, CVAN East Midlands, LCB depot, r10 labs. Jas is supported by the Arts Council of England. 

Website: jassingh.org  | Instagram: @sab_o_teur

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